The world top skin care brands
The top skin care brands that are loved
If you’re anything like us, you’re borderline obsessed with skin care. Ok, *full on* obsessed. Good skin is everything. Makeup goes on gives your confidence a huge boost. And let’s not forget that great skin makes us look younger, well-rested and the picture of health.
While everyone has different things they look for in a skin care product - price, ingredients, ethos… and what works for your bestie may not work for you, recommendations rand reputation really are the best places to start. these are some of our favourite skin care brands.
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Conditioning Shampoo
340 mlHair Fruits Hairfall Defense Conditioning Shampoo Enriched with Pomegranate & StrawberryAbout this itemPrevents hair loss and maintains healthy growthProtects hair by adding moisture, deep conditioning and reducing frizStrengthen hair roots and smoothen the hair cuticles Prevents thinning of hair and promote hair growth.Make hair strong from root to tip Paraben free,For All hair types
60 GmFOR BEST RESULTS RUB OVER CLEANED SKIN &BLEND IN TILL ABSORBED FOR INSANT BIGHTNESS &A PERFECT FINISHAbout this item: It hydrates skin, smoothens fine lines and evens skin tone offers broad-spectrum SPF 20 protection against damage from both UVA and UVB rays Enriched with sandalwood, aloe vera, cucumber and apple extract that nourish your skin with their antioxidant and antiseptic properties Formulated without parabens, allergens and fragrances Suitable for all skin types Dermatologically tested
Deo Body Spray
150 mlYardley London Morning Dew Refreshing Deo Spray for Women, 150ml · Contemporary range of fragrances crafted from morning Dew Refreshing Deo for women is the embodiment of the lush English gardens.
Style park
Set of 3 products
PSC NO: 1085600
Total ofProducts selling criteria
प्रोडक्टस बुकिंग पेमेंट के बाद एक सप्ताह के अंदर किसी दिन ही भी प्रोडक्ट की डिलीवरी है यदि रामगढ के 10 किलोमीटर के अंदर डेलिवरी क्षेत्र है तो केवल 25 रुपया एक्सट्रा डिलीवरी चार्ज है।
Products Booking is delivery
of the product any day within a week from the date of payment, if the delivery area is within 10 kms of Ramgarh then only Rs.25 extra delivery charge is applicable.
Suggestionsप्रोडक्ट की विस्तृत जानकारी आपको उसके डब्बे रेपर पर ही पर ही मिलेंगे वहां से आप विस्तृत जानकरी ले सकते हैं प्रोडक्ट के बारे यदि कोई सुझाव है तो आप कंपनी के ईमेल पर अपने सुझाव भेज सकते हैं किसी भी लाभ हानि के लिए
will get the detailed information of the product only on its box wrapper, from there you can get detailed information, if you have any suggestion about the product, then you can send your suggestions on the company's
email for any profit or loss.
Style park
यदि ग्राहक चाहे तो 50% प्रोडक्ट का दाम अदा करने के बाद पर किसी भी प्रोडक्ट को इन्स्टालमेन्ट ले सकेगें पर इसके लिए गूगल पे, फ़ोन पेइ होना अनिवार्य है। जिसमें सामान्य ज्ञान क्विज अमान्य होगा।
If the customer wants, after paying 50% of the product price, can install any product, but for this it is mandatory to have Google Pay, Phone Pee . In which the General Knowledge Quiz will be invalid.